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Critical Assessment of Information Extraction in Biology - data sets are available from Resources/Corpora and require registration.

BioCreative II.5

Test phase updates and BCMS online (News) [2009-05-10]

Due to some participants having troubles with the proposed schedule, we made it more flexible. You can review the dates on the event page and read exact details on your team page.

Also, the BioCreative MetaServer 1.0 beta has gone online, which the online participants should use to generate their annotations. This tool provides a wealth of functionality to get Annotation Servers up and running:

  1. Full configuration of your connection settings and connectivity testing.
  2. Error/warning/info log reports about the connection and the data being exchanged.
  3. Report generation for the BioCreative II.5 corpora results, including evaluation statistics.
  4. Re-running of the annotations for the BioCreative II.5 corpora at any time (except the test phase).

If you still have not informed us about your Annotation Server, want to create one, or need more information on how to install a Web Service Server, please do not hesitate to contact us for help.