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Critical Assessment of Information Extraction in Biology - data sets are available from Resources/Corpora and require registration.

BioCreative VII

preView system review (News) [2021-08-26]

1. GOAL: The purpose of this activity and accompanying survey is to collect feedback about this system. The responses will be aggregated and used to inform the developers on improvements based on community needs. The data may be used in a publication reporting on this system.

2. TIMELINE AND COMMITMENT: The system review period is open from September 1 to September 30, 2021. During this period, you can explore this system at different times, with different examples. We estimate that completion of the minimal set of activities (reviewing the documentation, going over tutorial and own examples) would take 1-2 hours (but may vary with system and your own interest).
However, we do request that the survey is completed in one take (it may take approximately 30 min) after you have gone through the tutorial and your own examples.
Survey deadline: September 30.

During the current COVID-19 pandemic, the rapid availability of profound information is crucial in order to derive information about diagnosis, disease trajectory, treatment or to adapt the rules of conduct in public. The increased importance of preprints for COVID-19 research initiated the design of the preprint search engine preVIEW. Conceptually, it is a lightweight semantic search engine focusing on easy inclusion of specialized COVID-19 textual collections and provides a user friendly web interface for semantic information retrieval. In order to support semantic search functionality, we integrated a text mining workflow for indexing with relevant terminologies. Currently, diseases, human genes and SARS-CoV-2 proteins are annotated, and more will be added in future. The system integrates collections from several different preprint servers that are used in the biomedical domain to publish non-peer-reviewed work, thereby enabling one central access point for the users. In addition, our service offers facet searching, export functionality and an API access.

4. ACTIVITY: Follow the instructions in the document below.

5. CONTACT US: If you have any questions or comments, please contact Add in subject TRACK4 system review