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Critical Assessment of Information Extraction in Biology - data sets are available from Resources/Corpora and require registration.

BioCreative V

BioCreative V Workshop [2015-08-06]

The BioCreative V Workshop website is now open for registration. The workshop agenda is available on this webpage.
In case you participated in several BioCreative V tracks, remember that you are required to submit a separate paper for each track. Your paper should describe resources you used and your methodology. It should also give any evaluation results you were able to produce based on gold standard data applicable to your task. We recommend limiting the length of the paper to 4-6 pages. Assuming your efforts and innovation in doing your chosen Subtask(s) were significant, we expect these papers to eventually form the basis for a journal article describing your efforts in more detail.
To make the preparation of your manuscript easier we provide some templates based on the formats for Lecture Notes of Computer Sciences that we think are suitable to proceedings paper styles. The latex and word templates are available at: proceedings template
The deadline for the camera-ready paper submission various for the different track (in case of doubts cross check with the corresponding track organizer). Your paper will need to be submitted through EasyChair: EasyChair BioCreative V

Travel awards to attend the BioCreative workshop are now available. For more information visit the Travel Award section in the workshop registration page.