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Critical Assessment of Information Extraction in Biology - data sets are available from Resources/Corpora and require registration.

BioCreative I

Website updates (News) [2009-10-30]

Over the past few weeks, the website has received some small improvements here and there, in an intent to improve its visibility and add more functionality in the light of the upcoming BioCreative III. On a side-note, please do not register teams for BC III through this site currently, the mode of the official team registration for BC III still needs to be determined by the BioCreative III organizers. A quick run-down of the improvements made to the website:

  • Downloads now are shown for all items in the news section, and link to the actual entry in the respective topic. However, you still need to have a valid account or be a team member to download Resource or Team files.
  • The RSS feeds now show the complete content of published items, including images and downloads.
  • There is a new feed for any entry published on this website over the course of the last year to make it easier for you to keep track of all new content. If you want to add this RSS feed to your news-reader, e.g. Google Reader, you can use this link.
  • Many invisble administrative improvements for the site's contributers.

We hope you find some of these additions useful!