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Critical Assessment of Information Extraction in Biology - data sets are available from Resources/Corpora and require registration.

BioCreative II.5

Test phase completed (News) [2009-06-16]

The BioCreative II.5 test phase has been closed! Thank you very much to all participants, for their patience with moving test phase dates, changing training data, and the development of the BCMS infrastructure! And, last but not least, thank you to all online teams that took up the work to create Annotation Servers and therefore made this "online challenge" a reality!

In total, we had ten teams participating online, plus twelve teams (six of which were part of the online challenge) in the offline evaluation for a total of 16 teams. This amounts to the following numbers of officially accepted runs for all three tasks (in total making up 470 MB of uncompressed data):


  • ACT: 12 runs/result sets
  • INT: 19 runs/result sets
  • IPT: 15 runs/result sets


  • ACT: 22 runs/result sets
  • INT: 28 runs/result sets
  • IPT: 25 runs/result sets

The evaluation phase is starting now and we will keep all participants informed about further progress via the mailing lists and/or direct mails.